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  • "It's a beautiful village school, my children love it and come home happy every day."
  • "My children are always put first..."
  • "As a parent I couldn't ask for more."
  • "Welcoming, friendly environment where my children have flourished!"



Curriculum Intent

  • To engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community.
  • To promote spiritual, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical development of pupils. Link to SDP Leadership and Management Aim 2: Sustain and further develop the breadth and depth of the curriculum. Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development Aim 2: School ethos is sustained and further developed (encouraging children to take more responsibility for their behaviour).
  • To enable pupils to learn about and from religious beliefs, transferable skills.
  • To ensure that there is sequential learning throughout the school, building on, not repeating, previous knowledge.

Where can the evidence be found?

  • Assemblies, school rules and ethos, curriculum enrichment days – e.g. Anti-Bullying Day, visitors from / visits to places of a variety of faiths.
  • Learn that the basis of religions is to follow a moral code and regardless of religion/non-religion it is a good path to follow – pupil work and interviews.
  • Deeper understanding of 6 main religions, including those of no religious faith; children can answer ‘deeper questions’ – pupil work and interviews.

Curriculum Implementation

  • SDP Leadership and Management Aim 2 delivers a curriculum that inspires an enthusiasm for learning. The school has recently bought the new Emmanuel Project.
  • The curriculum follows an Enquiry Cycle model within each unit (Engage / Enquire / Explore / Evaluate / Express). All the units expand the EXPLORE section into three areas (scriptural text or narrative / community practice / daily living) to ensure a balanced approach to religious material, rather than an approach that focuses solely on religious festivals or sacred stories. The curriculum focuses on key beliefs / concepts of six different faiths and a non-religious worldview, as the driver to get to the heart of faith and link together stories, practices, festivals and ways of life. The starters link children into the key beliefs at the start of the unit. A set of symbols is used in KS2 to represent the key beliefs and acts as a practical learning aid and a key question is used, often including the key concept, as the title of the unit and more questions throughout to help structure the learning and activities. Plans give an introduction to key beliefs, and notes to help teachers learn alongside the children. Teachers are encouraged to think of each lesson as a whole and select the right activities, resources and timing for their own class. Teachers should not be afraid to try new ways of tackling questions and presenting results.
  • Monitoring – that the implementation of the RE syllabus is full and broad, is not repeated and with the new curriculum, there are no gaps within the school.
  • Assessment – There are end of year expectations for all 6 strands of the Suffolk syllabus, adjusted to the content of each unit. All units contain ideas for other forms of assessment including a ‘traffic light’ system for self-assessment, ‘Quick Quizzes’, based on Bloom’s taxonomy, solo ‘Taxonomy hexagons’ for KS1 and KS2 units and suggestions for representing children’s learning.
  • Long and medium term plans show current learning for all year groups across the academic year. These allow for a two-year cycle if there are mixed age classes, or a repeated annual cycle for single year groups.
  • Inclusion of reading extract for significant religious festivals to improve reading skills SDP Quality of Education Aim 2
  • Have a variety of religious visitors, visits to the local churches; assemblies by faith leaders.

Where can the evidence be found?

  • CPD of staff, and HLTAs who teach RE, to ensure secure knowledge and confidence in teaching to transfer to children.
  • Subject Leader to attend termly cluster meetings once they are re-established, and is active on Facebook groups relevant to RE.
  • Support teachers as and when required.
  • Use subject leader time to monitor each term.
  • Comments, photographs etc. in books and RE Co-ordinator file to show visitors in class/workshops, visits in assemblies, as and when COVID restrictions allow
  • Seen in children’s books, weekly lessons, plans annotated.

Curriculum Impact

  • The curriculum leads to well-rounded children who are tolerant of all faiths.
  • The children will have been taught the necessary skills to succeed when the transition to secondary school.
  • SEN children and PPG children are given the same opportunity to succeed, developing skills needed for life.

Where can the evidence be found?

  • Subject Leader File
  • RE Action Plan
  • End of term assessments, children’s work, pupil interviews


Curriculum Progression Map RE