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  • "It's a beautiful village school, my children love it and come home happy every day."
  • "My children are always put first..."
  • "As a parent I couldn't ask for more."
  • "Welcoming, friendly environment where my children have flourished!"


As with all maintained schools in England and Wales the National Curriculum is followed.

Children in the Reception class follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Children aged 5 to 7 follow work within Key Stage 1 Programme of Study, and children aged 7 to 11 follow work within Key Stage 2.

Our policy at Grundisburgh Primary School is to provide a broad, balanced, varied, and relevant curriculum, which stimulates and motivates children to reach their full potential. English, Mathematics and Science are of key importance, and these take up a large percentage of the curriculum. However, we also value the Arts, Sport and other curriculum areas and aim to ensure that children develop a depth of knowledge, experience and enjoyment in all areas of school life.

We offer all National Curriculum subjects: Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Information and Communications Technology, Physical Education, Religious Education, PSHE and a modern foreign language (French) throughout the school. Subjects are regularly reviewed in a two-year rolling programme.

The curriculum provides practical as well as formal methods of teaching as appropriate and the children are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their own learning.

Pupils will be involved in class, group and individual activities according to their needs and the nature of the activity. Teacher assessment is a continuous process so that your child’s progress can be monitored closely all of the time and appropriate and challenging learning experiences planned and taught.

Positive attitudes and behaviour are an integral part of learning and we encourage a happy, quiet atmosphere in which children can learn. We encourage children to take a pride in their work, to have high expectations, to be considerate to everyone in the school and to respect and care for property.

Parents are welcome to view and download the relevant policies associated with the curriculum.


We have a number of other policies please contact the school should you require a copy of any of these policies. If you require any paper copies of any of policies, please just let us know and we will provide these free of charge.