Parent Survey
Parent Survey Summary December 2024
Many thanks to all parents who took the time to complete our survey. Your responses are very important to us and help us consider next steps moving forward.
We completed a similar survey last year. I would like to outline some of the changes that we have made because of your feedback.
Issue: More communication in terms of children’s progress.
Response: We now produce termly interim reports which report on children's attitude to learning as well as their attainment in core learning. These supplement our two parents consultations and annual report.
Issue: Opportunity to know more about my child’s learning.
Response: Every Wednesday after school parents are welcome to come into school and have a look at child’s learning. Our website also provides detailed overviews of our curriculum, a more digestible termly overview of key learning is sent home each term
Issue: Children in Key Stage Two hosting events
Response: We have introduced the bi-annual year 3 and 4 music and arts celebrations. Year 5 run a French Café. Year 6 continue to perform in their end of year play.
Below are some key graphics from this year’s responses:
Following on from this year’s survey the below areas were identified as common areas parents wish to see improved which were raised by more than 2 respondents.
Issue: Increase in afterschool clubs offered and the variety of clubs offered.
Response: This is a challenging area. Historically clubs have run at a financial loss to the school. Many providers will require a minimum fee to provide the club with the school having to make up any shortfall. Space is also a limiting factor. Our after-school club is growing meaning that the atrium is not a suitable space to host this. Realistically this means that the hall is our only available space to host clubs. We have looked at ways to increase the offer in the school day for example a cricket club was run at lunchtimes over the summer term.