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Curriculum Intent

The Teaching and Learning of mathematics at Grundisburgh Primary School equips pupils with the uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world.  These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways.

Mathematics is important in everyday life.  It is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them.

Curriculum Implementation

At Grundisburgh Primary School the National Curriculum is delivered through personalised and creative programs of study, whereby teachers use a variety of sources to create sessions which are specifically for their class.  Using a variety of approaches, including Mastery and CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract), children experience rich and exciting maths lessons which are accessible to all.  The main progression of skills and knowledge is based on White Rose Maths.

Each mathematics session should; provide opportunities to practice mental calculation and for children to orally explain their methods and strategies, be interactive and incorporate all learning styles, include both teaching input and pupil activities and a balance between whole class, grouped, paired and individual work, identify progress, to summarise key facts and ideas and what to remember, to make links to other work and to discuss next steps, be enjoyable and relevant.

From Reception through to Year 6, we believe that play and a hands-on approach is fundamental in learning a new skill, discussion enables consolidation of skills and both practical and mental tasks embed skills.

As mathematics is a key life skill, we will demonstrate this to children by providing a mathematically stimulating environment through displays that promote mathematical thinking and discussion and displays of pupils work that celebrate achievement.

Curriculum Impact

The outcome of our personalised and creative programs of study will ensure that children are;

• Confident and resilient in their approach to mathematics

• Able to use a variety of mathematical strategies

• Able to recall and apply mathematical facts

• Able to apply mathematical reasoning when approaching a variety of problems

• Understanding in that a variety of strategies can be used but are able to choose the appropriate strategy for the task

• Confident that even when mistakes are made, they are learning and they are able to spot their errors

• Able to apply their mathematical understanding to other areas of learning


Curriculum Progression Map Maths


Grundisburgh Primary School's Calculation Policy and information can be found here.